2 Copy Tweaks You Can Learn from the Most Overused Phrase on Instagram
Here’s how to cut the throat-clearing and actually connect with your people.
If you're anything like me, you find it easy to trip and fall into an IG stories scroll-hole... and if that's the case, I know you hear this phrase at least once a day:
"Hey everyone, I'm just popping on here to say..."
Let me scratch the record riiiight here because we've arrived at the quick-and-dirty subject of today's post: two things you can learn about copywriting from this now common-as-sand phrase.
1. Messaging is always stronger when it addresses ONE person.
Make your reader (or viewer, in this case) feel like you're speaking directly to, and only to, them!
Some simple copy tweaks make it happen:
"Every masterminder will learn..." → "You'll learn..."
"I know that everyone reading this thinks..." → "I know that you think..."
"I just had to tell you guys all about it..." → "I just had to tell you..."
Speak/write like you're trying to make a connection with a single person, and your chances are 97.9% higher that you'll make an emotional connection with that person. (Okaaaay don't quote me on that exact stat but the gist of it is 100% true!)
2. Skip the throat clearing and get to the point!
People glaze over, tune out, and abandon ship when they're hearing something they've heard a million times before. On IG, you don't have to tell someone you're just popping on here to say something -- they're already here, looking at and listening to you!
In copy, you can keep things interesting by using fresh, unexpected language when possible and, often, taking the last point you made and bringing it right up to the top. Think of it like hitting people with your thesis statement first instead of burying it under all the windup and warmup. (If you need to, you can always elaborate from there once they know the point you're making!)
And just like that, now you’re ready to create some new and improved IG stories (oops, I mean, some new and improved copy…)