I’m a website copywriter for creative small businesses—
…otherwise known as the one who helps unearth what you most want to say in brilliant, “omg that’s me” clarity.
When it comes to your copy, I believe with all my guts that you don’t have to choose between sales or self-expression.
(You also don’t have to choose between Team “Personality Packed!!!” or Team “Neutral Minimalist Editorial” either, but we’ll get into that later.)
Instead of just *hoping* that people understand what you’re about, you get to decide what you want to be known for—and claim it.
And that’s why I’m not just here to write your words. I’m here to help you uncover and fully own your message, all while being MORE of yourself, never less.
I founded Little Flame because I believe that thoughtful business owners like you offer a gift to the world.
Every day, you do your brilliant thing, whether you help bring health, joy, beauty, or smarts to your clients’ lives. (Yep, that’s you, wellness pros, coaches, biz systems experts, designers, photographers, and more!)
Your work matters—which means that your message does too. And because you deserve powerful words that will help you reach more of the right people, I’m here to help.
Here’s what sparked the flame.
It happened like this: I did what I was “supposed to” for a long time, until I just couldn’t bring myself to do it anymore.
Nodding along with me already?
Working in Marketing & Communications, I rode the traditional life escalator for a while, figuring that The One Right Way to make a living kinda had to involve pencil skirts and Powerpoint presentations. RIP, pencil skirts—you’ll never catch me in one again.
I was good at playing by the rules, and I built a successful career in marketing for nonprofits. I loved writing copy while being able to support a mission. But I spent too many beautiful days staring out the office window at the big wide world out there, and too many meetings feeling squeezed into being who everyone else wanted me to be.
A nudge towards more freedom, creativity, and self-expression kept knocking until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. Insert Mary Oliver—what WAS I doing with my one wild and precious life??

So I stitched together my poetry degree (yes, really), communications chops, and ethical marketing know-how, and this biz emerged.
At Little Flame, it’s my absolute joy to support entrepreneurs who’re also, in some way, craving something different.
A more expansive, creative way to live and be.
A way to actually be yourself, and do the meaningful work that actually makes you come alive, while running a profitable biz.
And to be able to do that, you need powerful, clear words that pull it all together.
Today and every day, I love helping to light up your business with the clarity that comes from damn good copywriting and a smart sprinkle of brand strategy.
And why Little Flame?
To me, it’s our entrepreneurial pilot light, that spark of purpose deep within that keeps us going. It doesn’t have to be big, or brighter than anyone else’s to count.
That little flame is enough.
Here’s my promise to you.
I believe that…
… The world needs your head, your heart, and your work.
… Doubling down on your own personality and perspective is where your true power is.
… Your copy can (and should!) help you feel totally understood, at the same time that it helps future clients understand what you’re all about.
… You can 10000% sell your services without sounding like someone else or using tactics that don’t sit quite right.
Aaaand some other hills I will die on:
… If a show is actually funny, it doesn’t need a laugh track. (Sorry, Friends fans, I said what I said!!)
… Guilty pleasures don’t exist. If you love it, you love it, no guilt attached.
… Enthusiasm is underrated! You’ll never catch me being too cool for anything (what, me with an endless niche interest in art heists and fraud?? You too?!).
Behind the scenes at Little Flame HQ:
01: I can get interested in an.y.thing.
Find me stockpiling new podcasts, cozying up to follow Google rabbit holes, and asking “tell me more?” Curiosity lights up my life and my work (and tbh, helps me survive cocktail parties as an introvert).
02: When I’m not writing words, I’m reading them!
I aim for 50+ books per year. The secret to reading more is… read whatever the heck you want, however you want! Will trade book recs all day any day.
03: Classic INFJ here.
As a former spelling-bee kid, performing onstage is still my nightmare buuuut you just might catch me earning a Grammy in lip-syncing on my spin bike.
04: I’m a maker at heart.
I collect hobbies like merit badges. You name it, I’ve tried it! After hours you’ll find me painting or sewing on my friend’s husband’s grandma’s ride-or-die machine.
I give a damn about the state of the world, and do my best to run my biz accordingly.
So that means I believe that every human being deserves to life in safety and with dignity.
I’m about liberation > systemic oppression.
Community care > rich white guy capitalism as we know it.
Honoring the worthiness of all people, inclusive of their ability, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, neurotype, body size, and more.
Working in a way that’s healthy for people and the planet, not just profit.
And I love supporting clients who live out these values too.